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Great Salon to Work and Experience Every Client is Valued and Given personal care and attention with every Service
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Our Cancellation Policy

Here at N-Joyable’s, our primary goal is to accommodate each client and give each client our undivided time and attention. As we do encourage clients to be as prompt as possible, we also understand life happens, so please give 48 hours notice if you need to cancel. When running late it’s possible to run over into another client’s visit. We all would like to be considerate of each other’s time. 

Any appointment that is Cancelled or is a no show less than 48 hours without Notice, may result in an additional fee of  $50. Overall, we want to maintain courtesy and respect for Stylists time since space was open to accomadate you!

We're Located in Historical Downtown 

Jersey City

283 Grove st J.City Nj (Upper Level)

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